Aiden Thomas, you are seven years old!
Birthday Boy
It is very hard for Momma to write this post, so hard I have been procrastinating for a while! We cannot believe you are seven! It seems like just yesterday you were Addy's age and now you are so big! You weigh 49 pounds, for months now you have been trying to make it to fifty! You are 49 inches tall. You are in size 7 clothes, all of your pants have to have an adjustable waist and you wear a size 13 shoe.
5 years
You are very loving, although you don't like anyone to know. You think you are getting too big for hugs and kisses from Momma. Every now and then, I will be busy in the kitchen and for a brief moment I will feel your arms around my waist, by the time I hug back, you are done and back to being a big boy. These moments are becoming more infrequent but I sure do enjoy them while I have them. 6 years
You are my BIG helper. Most days I would not make it without you! Four years ago you became a big brother and you have always taken your job very seriously. You look after your siblings' best interest all the time, and most of the time put their needs before your own. I know you will make an excellent father one day. You help out wherever I need you, and don't complain even if it is a "girl's job." You like to teach your siblings how to help out too. You are very patient and kind to them. Your favorite subjects in school are reading, science and you love drawing. You are about to start second grade and it amazes me how much you have already learned. 7 years
You are your mother's child, you like things clean, neat and in order. You have shown these characteristics from a very young age. You can be a little bossy, but for the most part your advice is accurate and welcome. You tend to be shy, but once you get warmed up, watch out! You enjoy Bible time and are very knowledgeable when it comes to Bible stories. We are so proud of the boy you are and look forward to watching you grow into a young man (just please take your time). We love you more than you will ever know! Happy Birthday to our oldest son! WE LOVE YOU AIDEN!
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